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Sign the Pledge
Now at 0 Pledges | Our goal: 50,000 signatures
Take the Pledge to Defend Democracy in 2022
I pledge to vote in the upcoming election.
I pledge to check my voter registration at least two months prior to my upcoming election.
I pledge to encourage my friends and family to vote in the upcoming election.
I pledge to combat the spread of misinformation about our election by not spreading it myself and combatting it when I encounter it.
I pledge to reject claims that the 2020 election was rigged, and that election fraud occurs at a large scale.
I pledge to condemn voter suppression efforts and advocate for expanded access to the ballot.
I pledge to do all that I can do to support the ongoing efforts of organizations working to protect Tennessee voters.
Brought to you by Organize Tennessee- an nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to voter protection
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